Flowers + African Violets

Violets, Streptocarpus and Adenium

Djibouti is the capital of Djibouti
Digitala reklamas agentura
African violets - new pictures:
Pat Tracey, Carnival, EK Enigma, EK May Thunder, EK Mother's Love, EK Painter's Masterpiece, EK Rainbow of Love, EK Wild Orchid, Frozen in Time, Apache Midnight, Moonlit Waters

White adenium 'White Lotus Star' with the huge flowers adenium
russian violets
$ 15.00 ($ 60.00 - 5 items)
This is the album of the most popular hybridizer in Russia - Elena Korshunova. The pictures of EK violets. High quality paper. March 2006
Violet Emerald Love Violet Mountain Blush
 French   Russian

New pictures and articles
flower show may 2006

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