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Flowers and violets > Adeniums

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Bob J
Adenium expert

Joined: 17 Jan 2006
Posts: 25
Location: Norman, OK USA
How to's  Reply with quote  

For any wanting to try grafting I am putting a link below to some "instructions'
I did on the subject as the flie is rather large I am just putting a link to it rather than trying to put it here

Post Sun May 14, 2006 11:46 pm
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Joined: 12 Jan 2006
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Location: Gomel, Belarus
White Lotus Star grafting  Reply with quote  

Bob, yesterday i have grafted the cutting of White Lotus Star. I have began to multiply your cuttings. Smile
Post Mon May 15, 2006 7:51 am
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Bob J
Adenium expert

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Location: Norman, OK USA
Grafting  Reply with quote  

Alex, I have recently seen a couple of different ways of grafting them but I don't see any advantage to either and they are both more difficult because of the way the budstock is secured. Ko is doing grafts in the center, it appears to be on the vascular bundle I have tried a couple but not much luck, but Ko is way ahead of me on grafting he likely makes more in a day than I do in a couple of years. Hope yours take ok it shouldn't take too long to tell this time of year when the plants are active and growing in the nice bright do have sun in Belarus don't you Very Happy Have you ever tried using reflective mylar to increase the light on your plants? I sometimes put it behind plants I winter in my windows helps keep them from growing only towards the light.
Was it the Lotus Star that has the faint pink on the edges?
Post Tue May 16, 2006 1:05 am
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Joined: 12 Jan 2006
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Location: Gomel, Belarus
Re: Grafting  Reply with quote  

Originally posted by Bob J
Was it the Lotus Star that has the faint pink on the edges?

Yes, Bob Cool
Post Wed May 17, 2006 12:41 pm
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