Gardening links


Violets (5)
Aggie Horticulture: African Violets - Proposed site covering many aspects of African violets. Currently, mostly links to other resources.
African Violet Society of America - Presenting information about growing, showing and propagating African violets and other gesnariads.
Lone Star African Violet Council - Texas organization for African violet enthusiasts. Information about membership, events, local clubs, Texas hybrids, and links to other resources.
Mid-Atlantic African Violet Society - Association for members in the United States Mid-Atlantic region. Information and photos of conventions, several articles from their journal, and history of the society.
Upper Pinellas African Violet Society - Florida group for growing, sharing, and showing African violets. Calendar of events, care information, and photo albums.

Cacti and Succulents (5)
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall - Contains an extensive collection of links to organizations and information, including societies, clubs, nurseries, and literature.
Argentine Cacti - Pictures and location maps of Argentine Cacti. Offers a seed exchange and photographs.
Cactus Art - Shopping site run by enthusiasts. Includes large photo gallery, featuring regular and oddly grafted cacti, a glossary of cactus terms, and an etymological reference.
Cacti - Rudy Krajča presents his collection.
U4BA: Euphorbia for You - Dutch enthusiasts of succulent Euphorbias present illustrated articles, a photo gallery and list of plants for trade.

Plants (1)
Citrus collection By Petr Broza - Enthusiast from the Czech Republic presents his experiences growing a large variety of citrus fruits, and shares photos of his garden and greenhouse, many citrus, and other subtropical fruits. Site in Czech and English.

House plants (1)
How to Grow Houseplants and Set Up Indoor Gardens - Growing houseplants and setting up indoor gardens is not difficult. Visit All About Houseplants and discover the easy steps involved.

Gardens: Personal (1)
Carla's Garden and Seeds - Gardener in the Southern tip of the Netherlands shows off her small backyard garden chock full of plants. Extensive plant list with photos, seed trading information.

Orchids (1)
Sphagnum moss for orchid care - Golden sphagnum moss in any quantity to both commercial and hobby growers.