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Nancy Robitaille [Canada]
What a wonderful display of African violets (Saintpaulia)! I saw a few that I recognised. The sport looked similar to Blue Dragon (Sorano)
Continue displaying your beautiful plants! I loved it!
05.09.05 15:58
Nancy, thank you for your comments. Sure, i will continue to make the pictures from different flower shows in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus!
05.09.05 16:06
 Fri Apr 07, 2006 7:27 am |
Site Admin

Joined: 12 Jan 2006
Posts: 25
Location: Gomel, Belarus |
Dianna Morse , Florida USA
Thank you for the pictures!! What a great flower show!! I could have spent all day there! The picture & display of the "house" is fabulous! I started by just looking at the AV's. So glad I took the time to see all of them!
Dianna, sure, it was the great show!
My wife and i have spent there the whole day! This show was held 5 days - 24 through 28 august 2005.
05.09.05 17:48
Last edited by Avflower on Fri Apr 07, 2006 7:45 am; edited 1 time in total
 Fri Apr 07, 2006 7:38 am |
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Joined: 12 Jan 2006
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Location: Gomel, Belarus |
Bonny , Calais, Maine, USA
These pictures are wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing a peek into such a beautiful flower show. I really wish I could have been there to browse through all of the exhibits. Bonny
Bonny, thank you for your comments.
If i would have such an opportunity in the future i surely would make more pictures - hundreds of pictures from the 2006 August show.
This year there were hundreds of exhibitors/sellers and thousands of flower species: gesneriads, asclepiads, apocynaceae, aizoaceae, cactaceae... no... i coudn't count. It were the species of the house plants from all the families, i suppose... something like the flower paradise!
06.09.05 17:07
 Fri Apr 07, 2006 7:43 am |
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Location: Gomel, Belarus |
Mrs. John , Montana USA
Thank you for this page! It was so much fun to view the photos. It was nearly like actually walking through the show! The photos of the saintpaulias were lovely. There were many beautiful plants. I think I most enjoyed the many pots for sale! I wish our American flower shows included such vendor displays!
If God would continue my life next year i would prepare hundreds of pictures from the August 2006 show.
13.09.05 16:29
 Fri Apr 07, 2006 7:49 am |
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Joined: 12 Jan 2006
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Location: Gomel, Belarus |
pam , USA, Michigan
I am looking for a type of African Violet that I grew up with.
After looking at all your pictures I thought maybe you could help me.
The leaf of the violet is very large compared to the standard AF.
Also the leaf is all light green with ruffles around the edge, some
would even fold under, I also remember that the leaf was very brittle
compared to the standard african violet. The leaves would also have
long stems, so the plant was taller than normal. The flower was a
white with a touch of purple and a ruffled flower.
Looking at your web site I found what I think would be plants that
would be similar to what I am looking for.
1.) Quilting Bee - not quite sure about this leaf, does it match what is describe above ?
2.) Sparkleberry - the flower is not right but the leaf look similar.
3.) Island Hideaway - Again the leaf look right but not the flower.
Any information you could provide would be helpful.
Dear Pam,
i think that is is
the violet "Polar Bear"
13.09.05 16:26
pam [USA, Michigan]
Any idea where I can purchase it?
14.09.05 15:21
Pam, i think that one of the best places to buy violets is the annual shows of AVSA... yet i have never been in USA and by this cause it is hard for me to give you the right answer.
15.09.05 08:56
 Fri Apr 07, 2006 7:58 am |

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